It is very important to take into consideration the materials we are susing in classrooms specially for kids. This materials do not have to be expensive things, they can be simple things. Recycled material can be used. The materials we use in classrooms can motivate or not students learning that is why it is really important. When teaching children colors, size, material (from what is made) and creativity need to be taken into account. here are some examples:
Spinning wheel
Flip charts
Modeling clay
Musical instruments
There are many ideas to create a good learning environment in classrooms. We must look for creative way to catch attention and to motivate learning in students. We also have to considere grouping techniques to have students working in pairs in groups etc. For example, we can bring pictures to the classrooms and give them to them. We can give half of the pictures to them and they will look for the classmate that have the other half so that they work in pairs. Just give it a try, and see how it works.
What about puppets? Aren't they a good idea? Which one is your favorite out of all the ones you and your classmates presented?